
Cathryn Judkins

vacaville CA, USA
Acerca de

Artist, Writer and Teacher.
While I was born onto the cradle roll of a church and excepted Christ as a child it wasn’t until the early 2000’s that I truly met God face-to-face so to speak. Since then my life has changed so much. With God as my source I am an artist, a teacher, a writer and a woman who desires to empower others through Christ.
I have self-published three books and I’m working on the next one. My art is available and can be seen on my blog.
Please pray for me that God opens my eyes to see women as he sees them, to open my ears to hear His word, and opens my mouth to speak only what he tells me to speak. Also pray that he will open the hearts of women every where to his glory.
God's Word ~ God's Peace ~ God's Purpose ~ My Praise in all circumstances.

Libros por Cathryn Judkins