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<br> <br><br><br> <br><br>A Thai massage is an absolute must when you visit Thailand. The ancient art of stretching and traction is extremely therapeutic. It can improve one's overall health. Traditionally, this massage is done on the floor. However, certain temples have been converted into massage parlors. You can rest assured of your safety when you book an appointment with a trusted salon. There are numerous massage schools in Thailand which is why it's essential to research the reputation of each before booking a session.<br><br> <br><br><br><br> <br><br>It is normal to feel sore following an Thai massage. It's normal, since the massage is high-impact. However, if you suffer from a headache or experience sore muscles after the massage it is possible to take prescription pain relievers. The majority of soreness will go away within a few days and your body will be better. It is recommended that you seek medical advice if you notice an