
Kerry Conrad

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
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Isn't it exciting to wake up every morning, thankful for your life! It never ceases to amaze me how fortune I've been. Sure, life has not been perfect but hey! what fun would THAT be!

A dear friend recently gave me a plaque which reads, "Life is best danced to the song of your heart"....I loved it! She said that when she saw it, she immediately thought of me. One never knows how others perceive us until something like this happens. I've always considered my life very normal yet many have told me that it isn't at all....funny how that works don't you think?

Anyway, here is my first book done for one of the most talented artists I've ever known. I feel honoured that she has allowed me to do this and hope that you will all enjoy her works as much as I do.

Take care and think happy thoughts! (Fireflies at dusk; warm sand between your toes; chocolate covered chocolate)

Disclaimer: Not responsible for spelling, grammar or anything you don't like in this statement!