
Judy Phlegar

Greensboro, Georgia, USA
Acerca de

I am from Athens, Georgia and have lived in Georgia all my life with the exception of four years. I have loved painting, drawing, and writing since I was a child. Three years ago I semi-retired from my interior design business and set up a studio in my home. I am self-taught for the most part. I paint in pastel, oil pastel, oil, watercolor, and acrylic. I usually paint from photographs I have taken. I am a member of Greensboro Arts Alliance/Greensboro Writers Guild, Madison Artists Guild, Southeastern Pastel Society and other organizations relating to the arts. I love writing short stories, poems, working on my memoirs and designing jewelry. I enjoy spending time with family, especially my grandchildren, friends, and other artists and writers. I currently live at Lake Oconee in Greensboro, Georgia with my husband and two four-legged children. My art, photography, jewelry and writing is carried in several galleries and other venues in the area.

Libros por Judy Phlegar