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<br> Baccarat, a card game that makes use of small-sized cards, and is widely played is a game that involves drawing cards. Leonardo Baccarat, the inventor of Baccarat created the game's name: Baccarat. Baccarat-the simple game of pure luck using authentic cards.<br><br> <br><br><br><br> <br><br>Baccarat is an Italian word which translates to "dice". Baccarat is a game that's won with a pair of dice. If somebody claims to have had baccarat wins, I think this is what they are referring to. Baccarat is a game played with wooden or metal dice and the winner announced. If someone says they won Baccarat, it signifies, "I rolled the dice and got 10/10."<br><br> <br><br><br><br> <br><br>The origins of the game can be discovered to Italy up to Siciliano. According to legend, it was introduced by Polo in China. Later, it was brought to France, although it never gained popularity within Europe. Baccarat is also referred to by the name "bac-rat" i