
Edward G. Schultz

Now in Orlando, Florida and formerly from Massachusetts.
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Following retirement, and prior to this book, I have written five published books, including three novels, a book of short stories and a book of unique poetry. All are shown on my web site at
I also created a photo book of my grandaughter and I have written and illustrated a children's story book for each of my two grandchildren. These are not for general circulation.
The very first book that I wrote was published in 1990. It was the history of my (and artist Bill's) father and mother's families. My father's ancestors are from Germany and arrived in the US in mid 1800's. My mother's line goes through Canada and then back to France in the late 1590's.
I have several books in mind to be written in the next year or so.
In the photo above I am at Mission Santa Inez in California, the locale of my novel "Morgan's Mission". I did much of the research at several Missions in California. "Morgan's Mission" and my other books, are available at

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