
Lindsey Dunnagan

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Born in Anchorage, Alaska, Lindsey Dunnagan eventually moved to Texas where she has spent most of her life. She has received numerous awards for her watercolor paintings including the John Weinkein Distinction in the Visual Arts Award and shown in several national juried shows including Watercolor USA and VAST National. Lindsey currently teaches watercolor at Texas Woman’s University while earning a Master of Fine Arts degree in painting and drawing and a Master of Arts in art history. In 2007, she received a Bachelor of Environmental Design Architecture from Texas A&M. After college, she briefly worked as an architectural intern before deciding to join the US Peace Corps. From 2007 – 2009, Lindsey worked with artisans as a Small Business Development Volunteer in Morocco. After returning to the United States in 2009, she decided to change careers from architecture to art.

Libros por Lindsey Dunnagan